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Main Building

"Mowgli" is the main building of Kavalari center 200 sqm and can accommodate 15 people. Based on the campsite has central heating, Fireplace, Two toilets and two showers one of which is People with Disabilities, Solar water heater, Fully equipped professional kitchen, Dining room for 70 people, Project area persons and Training Room-Wheelchair access.


The kitchen is professional and has details, dishwasher, gas cooker, fryer, oven, microwave, food storeroom, 2 freezers, 2m x 1m fridge, 1 freezer refrigerator, 1 refrigerator +, cooking utensils for 100+ people.

The center also has 3 self-contained buildings called "Baloo", "Bagheera", and "Monaholikos", each of which can accommodate 14 persons. Each room has its own heating, toilet and one. shower




B a g h e e r a 


M o n a h o l i k o s

Other Places

Outdoor campground, Speech area, Fire place, Prayer room, Observatory, Outdoor toilets and hot water showers, Outdoor taps and utensils.

Other Places
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